Women + Money Factsheets
The Financial Impacts of Family Violence
Dealing with Clients Perpetrating Abuse
Women Talk Money
Women Talk Money is a website that assists women in having healthier financial conversations with their partners.
Money Smart
The Money Smart website contains free and impartial guidance and tools from ASIC.
Economic Abuse Reference Group
The Economic Abuse Reference Group is an informal group of community organisations which influences government and industry responses to the financial impact of family violence. Our members include family violence services, community legal services and financial counselling services.
Our Watch
Our Watch has been established to drive nationwide change in the culture, behaviours and power imbalances that lead to violence against women and their children.
Workplace Equality and Respect
Workplace Equality and Respect offers a step-by-step process that enables you to assess your organisation and identify key actions to make lasting change and a suite of tools and resources that help support you to take action.
Workplace Gender Equality Agency
The Workplace Gender Equality Agency is an Australian Government statutory agency created by the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012. The Agency is charged with promoting and improving gender equality in Australian workplaces.
10 Thousand Girl
10 Thousand Girl aims to improve the financial well-being of Australian women through education that empowers and connects.
Financy is an online women’s money magazine which represents a movement towards women living their best, most fulfilling lives through achieving their money goals.
Financial Basics Foundation
The Financial Basics Foundation provides free financial literacy resources to educators around Australia.
First Nations Foundation
First Nations Foundation provides financial literacy tools and programs for Indigenous Australians.
Your Toolkit
Your Toolkit helps women and their families facing financial or other domestic abuse become empowered through increased skills and knowledge.
Money Minded
MoneyMinded is an adult financial education program developed by ANZ in 2002 in consultation with community and government stakeholders and education experts.
Working Women's Centres
Working Women's Centres provide information, advocacy, support and advice to women on work-related issues.
Economic Security 4 Women
eS4W is an alliance of women’s organisations united in the belief that economic wellbeing and financial security are essential for women and will enable women of all ages to have an equal place in society.
Good Shepherd Microfinance
Good Shepherd Microfinance is a world leader in financial inclusion products, services and advisory. They offer fair and affordable financial programs to people on low incomes, and advisory services with a global reach.
Speckle offers small loans from $200 to $2,000 with repayment options ranging from three months to one year (without the hidden costs). The repayment options are flexible so you can pay early and as often as you like with no extra fees to help you stay in control.
Financial Counselling Australia
Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) is the peak body for financial counsellors in Australia.
National Debt Helpline
National Debt Helpline is a not-for-profit service that helps people tackle their debt problems. Their professional financial counsellors offer a free, independent and confidential service.
eSafety Women
eSafetyWomen is designed to empower Australian women to take control of their online experiences. The eSafetyWomen resources aim to help women manage technology risks and abuse by giving them the tools they need to be confident when online.
Australian Human Rights Commission
Leading the promotion and protection of human rights in Australia.
Council of Single Mothers and their Children
The Council of Single Mothers and their Children (CSMC) is a membership-based community organisation run by and for single mothers. Based in Victoria, they have members around the country and have been supporting and empowering single mothers and fighting for changes to systems, services and community attitudes since 1969.
Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand was established by the Good Shepherd Sisters to bring together committed and compassionate people to address the urgent needs of our time. They continue the important work of social change, upholding human rights and finding positive ways to influence human progress.
Technology Safety Australia
The WESNET Safety Net Australia project was established in 2011 to examine the intersection of technology and Violence Against Women (VAW).
No to Violence
No to Violence is the largest peak body in Australia representing organisations and individuals working with men to end family violence.
VicHealth: Generating Equality and Respect
Generating Equality and Respect was a world-first primary prevention of violence against women program.
VicHealth: New tools for Gender Equality
Around the world, advocates for gender equality are discovering the change-making power of a very subtle set of tools.
Make Super Fair
A campaign to close the gender pay gap in superannuation.
Women in Super
Women in Super is a national advocacy and networking group for women employed in the superannuation and wider financial services industries.
Banking Code
Australian banks have completely re-written their Code of Practice to better meet community expectations.
Choosing Family Violence and Gender Equity Training and Consultancy that Delivers Results
The FOS approach to joint facilities and family violence
Understanding family violence as a workplace issue
Addressing family violence in the workplace
ACTU model family violence clause
VicHealth's Equal Footing Toolkit
Playing our Part: Workplace Responses to Domestic and Family Violence
Moving towards better practice: Implementing family violence policies in the Victorian water sector
Inclusive Language Guide: Respecting people of intersex, trans and gender diverse experience.
To every woman: Money, power, freedom.
Track personal expenses on the go. TrackMySPEND is a free app that shows you what you are spending your money on and puts you in control.
The TrackMyGOALS app helps you cultivate good savings habits and reach your dreams.
MoneySmart Calculator
Make financial decisions easier by accessing four calculators in one app.
MoneySmart Cars
ASIC's MoneySmart Cars helps you save money when you're buying a car. You'll get an initial result of what your car will cost and you can further personalise the result by inputting details of your car and loan options.
My Moola App
This simple My Moola budgeting app is an easy way to record your financial goals and track your income and expenses either weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
The Penda App aims to break the cycle of domestic and family violence (DFV) by combining much-needed financial, personal safety and legal information with nationwide referrals.
The Pineapple Project
Claire Hooper is on a mission. To learn what rich people know, how poor people think, and how you can take control of your coin. From how to save smarter, to earning more, and setting yourself up for a secure future, it’s all the money skills no one ever taught you.